How To Choose A Basketball? Quick & Easy Guide In 2024

How to choose a basketball is the most sought-after question to hoops fans because a basketball ball is an essential piece of equipment to start the game. 

In this article, we will provide you with easy-peasy tips to help you pick the best one for your game.

How To Choose A Basketball?

There are 6 factors you need to consider before deciding what ball is best for your match. Here they are:

Consider The Player’s Age & The Size 

Suppose you need to opt for a B-ball for your children, as they have smaller hands and are inexperienced in bouncing and shooting the basketballs; you’d better choose a smaller one rather than the big one for them and vice versa.

Using a smaller ball than the standard hand size causes strain on the player’s shoulder joint, wrists, and fingers. And too large a player’s ability to handle makes the player apply excessive pressure & force, so the likelihood of shoulder impingement may happen. 

This can eventually result in ailments like chronic tendonitis, affecting your daily life, not only in sports.

Normally, basketball size 5, which has 27.5 inches in IRC, is a significant fit for 9 to 11 years old. 

For those under 9, size 3 (22 inches) is the one for them to be able to handle, while size 7 ( 29.5 inches) is recommended for over-11-year-old kids and adults. 

You can always take a reference from the manufacturer to get the proper size since they have all the numbers and recommended sizes for each player’s age.

Choose The Material

Leather: Best for indoor

This is the most durable yet expensive material. However, it turns out to be excellent on the court and the best match for professional players because it has a consistent bounce.

Still, players should only choose the material if they play indoors, as leather is more likely exposed to humidity, and temperature, which can not be controlled outside. Asphalt or concrete surfaces can wear leather out quickly; thus, remember to clean your leather ball properly.

You should not use indoor rocks to play outside!

Synthetic leather: Best for both outdoor and indoor

Synthetic one is even more durable than leather, and it is a more affordable choice. Besides, it is the best option for indoor and outdoor conditions since it is resistant to tear & wear in both environments. 

However, the material tends to be brittle in some weather conditions, like too cold or hot, losing flexibility and leading to splitting & cracking.

In a humid case, you will find that it becomes slippery or slick, and it is hard for the player to control it. The more your hand has sweat, the harder you can handle the ball, as synthetic does not absorb moisture like leather material.

Despite its natural characteristics, choosing a high-quality brand with some additives can overcome shortcomings in extreme weather conditions.

Rubber: Most affordable/Best for outdoor

In terms of price, rubber is the cheapest, and it’s best for outdoor conditions as it withstands the concrete, grass, or asphalt surface well. It resists damage from temperatures & moisture, etc., and has a good bounce.

However, compared to synthetic leather and leather, it brings a sleek feeling, with a grip less than the other material.

Composite materials: Best balance of cost, grip & durability 

As its name states, the material often includes a mix of synthetic leather or leather, foam, and rubber, depending on each manufacturer. 

It is a good choice regarding price, grip, and durability, but the performance could be better, like synthetic leather or leather. Its durability is less significant than rubber, too.

B-ball material is one of the most essential factors in picking up the right one.

Check The Grip

Players can control and produce accurate shots with a good grip. The one with good texture & deep grooves is what you want, ensuring that the basketballs won’t “escape” the player’s hand during dribbling and even shooting.

Consider The Playing Surface

Select your recommended one depending on the type of surface you will decide to perform your skill.

Choose indoor balls for a smoother surface, narrower groove, better grip, and softer materials, and outdoor basketball for a rougher texture, wider groove, easier to control, and more durable materials.

Consider The Color

You may not believe it, but the color is crucial in selecting the best ball, especially in a competitive game, because it creates good visual contrast. 

So, yellow or orange ball is better in the dark court, while black or brown stone will shine in the light court.

Consider The Cost

Like it or not, how much money is in your pocket, in the end, is a deciding factor that affects how you choose the b-ball to play with.

The branded, high-quality one is expensive, but it offers you the best performance and durability. Average quality will give you the balance of control, grip, durable yet still at an affordable price. 

Tip For Buying The Basketball 

These tips below will give you an edge in buying ball decision: Check them out now:

Touch The Surface

Smooth surfaces are easy to release, while rough ones feel good when slapped. Get the balance and try before buying.

Pick The Heavy One

A good one should be heavy but not feel heavy when you hold it. A lighter ball will give you light and flimsy feels and is hard to control when you shoot it. So, choose the heavier ball.

Check the ball stitching

Good balls have well-sealed & well-crafted stitching that doesn’t open up even after long use, but poor-quality balls have gaps in the stitching that make them harmful to buy.

Try Experimenting With Basketball Bounce

To check if a B-ball is good, try this experiment: Drop it from 180 cm and see if it bounces between 120-140 cm. Choose another one if it is lower than these numbers or even lower than 100 cm.

Double Check Barcode & B-Ball Sign

Check the certificate and ball match numbers to ensure it’s real.

Take a closer look at the B-ball valve

Check for air leakage in the ball valve by putting it in water to guarantee no bubbles appear; otherwise, go for another one.

Good B-ball will not have air leakage.


That is all the deets about how to choose a basketball. We hope our sharing sheds light on your problem and you can have the right ball in your hand. If you have any b-ball questions, don’t hesitate to visit our website for further tips and sharing.


How much should I spend on basketball?

It depends on your financial situation and purpose. There is no hard rule on this matter.  If money is not your problem, it is your solution to everything, then go straight and choose the most expensive one. Otherwise, take some minutes to list all of your purposes, and then narrow down to one choice based on our guidelines to choose.

Can I use indoor basketball for outdoor play?

You should not use indoor B-balls for outdoor play. Indoor b-balls are not designed to handle and endure the rough surfaces and harsh conditions of outdoor play.

How can I maintain the quality of my basketball?

The best way to maintain the quality of your balls is to follow the manufacturer’s guideline, keep it clean and dry, avoid leaving them outside in the sun or rain, and store it properly when not used.

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